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Rafah Baby Ohne Kopf

Horror in Rafah: Witness Describes Horrific Aftermath of Israeli Airstrikes

Survivors Share Chilling Details of Devastating Attacks

By Ahmed Aziz and Huthifa Fayyad

In the aftermath of the Israeli airstrikes that killed at least 20 people, including children, in the Rafah displacement camp in occupied Palestine, survivors have shared chilling accounts of the horrors they witnessed.

"WEB Um ihn herum lagen zerstückelte Körper verkohlte Körper Kinder ohne Köpfe Körper als wären sie geschmolzen sagte er," said one witness, describing the scene of devastation.

A video uploaded online shows a man holding a headless child while fire engulfs the area.

In a dramatic rescue, a 10-month-old baby girl was pulled alive from the rubble by NBC News correspondents after surviving the airstrikes.
