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Earthquake New York Times

**4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes New York City Region** **April 6, 2024** A 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, at 10:23 AM this morning, sending tremors across the New York City region. Over 80 buildings in New York City were inspected in the aftermath, with no reported injuries or major damage. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that over 42 million people may have felt the quake, which is the largest to hit the Northeast in decades. Governor Kathy Hochul has stated that the state is monitoring the situation and providing support as needed. The earthquake occurred in the same vicinity as a solar eclipse that is set to take place later today. While the combination of the two events is unusual, experts do not believe it is related. Residents are advised to check for any damage to their property and to follow safety guidelines from local authorities.
